It’s very much appreciated when scholarship, awards and prize committees think the research we do is fun and interesting too. Thanks to them for their support and encouragement. Go team!
Allie - Poster Award, Biophysical Society of Canada
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Scholarship
Natalia - FRQS Doctoral Scholarship
- FRQS Prix Annuel d'Excellence
Martin - Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Lectureship Award, Chemical Institute of Canada
Batmoose - American Peptide Society Lab of the Month (December 2024)
- Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Scholarship
Natalia - FRQS Doctoral Scholarship
- FRQS Prix Annuel d'Excellence
Martin - Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Lectureship Award, Chemical Institute of Canada
Batmoose - American Peptide Society Lab of the Month (December 2024)
Elias - CRBS Travel Award
- Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel Awards (GREAT)
Itai - Biophysical Society of Canada Thesis Award
- Michael Bancroft PhD Thesis Award of the Canadian Light Source
(National award for 2022 theses bestowed in 2023)
Angelos - FRQS Prix Annuel d'Excellence
- Poster Award, Yale Biophysics Symposium
Srobona - CRBS Scholarship
Allie - CRBS Scholarship
Anirudh - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Scholarship
- Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel Awards (GREAT)
Itai - Biophysical Society of Canada Thesis Award
- Michael Bancroft PhD Thesis Award of the Canadian Light Source
(National award for 2022 theses bestowed in 2023)
Angelos - FRQS Prix Annuel d'Excellence
- Poster Award, Yale Biophysics Symposium
Srobona - CRBS Scholarship
Allie - CRBS Scholarship
Anirudh - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Scholarship
Martin - James McGill Professorship
Anirudh - CRBS Scholarship
Linda - FRQS PBEEE Award
Natalia - Shuk-Tak Liang Fellowship
- CRBS Research Travel Award
Elias - Extension to the German Academic Scholarship Foundation Scholarship
Itai - McGill MedStar Award
- CRBS Travel Award
Anirudh - CRBS Scholarship
Linda - FRQS PBEEE Award
Natalia - Shuk-Tak Liang Fellowship
- CRBS Research Travel Award
Elias - Extension to the German Academic Scholarship Foundation Scholarship
Itai - McGill MedStar Award
- CRBS Travel Award
Martin - Early promotion to full professor
Natalia - CRBS Scholarship
Tim - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Scholarship
Natalia - CRBS Scholarship
Tim - Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Scholarship
Angelos - CRBS Scholarship
Tim - CRBS Scholarship
Elias - German Academic Scholarship Foundation Scholarship
Kamal - CRBS Symposium Poster Award
Tim - CRBS Scholarship
Elias - German Academic Scholarship Foundation Scholarship
Kamal - CRBS Symposium Poster Award
Angelos - Faculty of Medicine Scholarship
Diego - MedStar Paper Prize
Elias - CRBS Scholarship for Tuition & CRBS Scholarship
Itai - CRBS Scholarship
Janice - Michael Bancroft PhD Thesis Award of the Canadian Light Source
(National award for 2018 theses bestowed in 2019)
Camille - Great Lakes Symposium, Oral Presentation Award
Max - CRBS Symposium Poster Award
Diego - MedStar Paper Prize
Elias - CRBS Scholarship for Tuition & CRBS Scholarship
Itai - CRBS Scholarship
Janice - Michael Bancroft PhD Thesis Award of the Canadian Light Source
(National award for 2018 theses bestowed in 2019)
Camille - Great Lakes Symposium, Oral Presentation Award
Max - CRBS Symposium Poster Award
Martin - Department of Biochemistry & McGill Nominee for CIHR Gold Leaf YIA
Camille - NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-PhD Award
Itai - Max Pinz Studentship
Max - Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Studentship
Camille - NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-PhD Award
Itai - Max Pinz Studentship
Max - Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Studentship
Martin - New Investigator Award, Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences
Itai - Jenny Panitch Beckow Scholarship
Ingrid - CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Award
Camille - Faculty of Medicine Scholarship
Itai - Jenny Panitch Beckow Scholarship
Ingrid - CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Award
Camille - Faculty of Medicine Scholarship
Martin - Joe Doupe Young Investigator Award, Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation
- CIHR Foundation Grant
- Department of Biochemistry Nominee for Leo Yaffe Teaching Award
- Canada Research Chair in Structural Biology in Macromolecular Machines
Asfarul - Canadian Foundation for the Development of Microscopy Travel Scholarship
Frederik - DKK FNU -Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation, Sapere Aude: DFF-Forskertalent
Diego - CONACYT Scholarship Extension
- 23th Jerusalem Life Sciences School Travel Assistance Award
- GRASP Symposium Poster Award
Camille - NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Award
- Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Clarisse - Graduate Excellence Fellowship
- Rose Johnstone Award
- GRASP Student Award
Janice - GRASP Symposium Poster Award
- CIHR Foundation Grant
- Department of Biochemistry Nominee for Leo Yaffe Teaching Award
- Canada Research Chair in Structural Biology in Macromolecular Machines
Asfarul - Canadian Foundation for the Development of Microscopy Travel Scholarship
Frederik - DKK FNU -Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation, Sapere Aude: DFF-Forskertalent
Diego - CONACYT Scholarship Extension
- 23th Jerusalem Life Sciences School Travel Assistance Award
- GRASP Symposium Poster Award
Camille - NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Award
- Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Clarisse - Graduate Excellence Fellowship
- Rose Johnstone Award
- GRASP Student Award
Janice - GRASP Symposium Poster Award
Asfarul - GRASP Postdoctoral Award
Kris - Graduate Research Enhancement Travel Award
Janice - Maysie MacSporran Studentship (declined)
- McGill University BGSS Research Day Poster Award
Jessie - CREATE Bionanomachines USRA
Kris - Graduate Research Enhancement Travel Award
Janice - Maysie MacSporran Studentship (declined)
- McGill University BGSS Research Day Poster Award
Jessie - CREATE Bionanomachines USRA
Fabien - Chemical Biology Fellowship
- CREATE Bionanomachines Postdoctoral Award
- GRASP Travel Fellowship
Asfarul - Chemical Biology Fellowship
Kris - CREATE Bionanomachines Graduate Award
Janice - NSERC Graham Alexander Bell Studentship!
Laura - CREATE Bionanomachines Undergraduate Award
Amanda - CREATE Bionanomachines Undergraduate Award
- CREATE Bionanomachines Postdoctoral Award
- GRASP Travel Fellowship
Asfarul - Chemical Biology Fellowship
Kris - CREATE Bionanomachines Graduate Award
Janice - NSERC Graham Alexander Bell Studentship!
Laura - CREATE Bionanomachines Undergraduate Award
Amanda - CREATE Bionanomachines Undergraduate Award
Kris - American Crystallographic Association Travel Grant
- Graduate Research Enhancement Travel Award
Janice - GRASP Student Award
- Faculty of Medicine Scholarship
Diego - PBEEE Quebec - Mexico Award
Martin A. - Chemical Biology Studentship
- Maysie MacSporran Studentship
- Graduate Research Enhancement Travel Award
Janice - GRASP Student Award
- Faculty of Medicine Scholarship
Diego - PBEEE Quebec - Mexico Award
Martin A. - Chemical Biology Studentship
- Maysie MacSporran Studentship
Fabien - GRASP Postdoctoral Award
Kris - Graduate Excellence Fellowship
- J. P. Collin Fellowship
Janice - Maysie MacSporran Studentship
Martin A. - CREATE Bionanomachines Undergraduate Award
Kris - Graduate Excellence Fellowship
- J. P. Collin Fellowship
Janice - Maysie MacSporran Studentship
Martin A. - CREATE Bionanomachines Undergraduate Award
Martin - CIHR Bhagirath Singh Early Career Award in Infection and Immunity
- CIHR New Investigator Award (declined)
- Canada Research Chair in Structural Biology in Macromolecular Machines
Mike - CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship
- GRASP Recruitment Award
- McLaughlin Fellowship (declined)
Kris - Chemical Biology Studentship
- Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Janice - Chemical Biology Studentship
- Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Diego - CONACYT Scholarship
- SRE-MELS Tuition Fee Waiver
Martin - Human Frontier Science Program Organization Career Development Award
Kris - Provost’s Recruitment Fellowship
Kris - Provost’s Recruitment Fellowship