The Schmeing Lab

Visualizing and understanding nature’s biosynthetic macromolecular machines

Movies & Media

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Web & Media Links

McGill researchers reveal how life-saving molecules are created (McGill press release about Angelos' paper)
New understanding of antibiotic synthesis (CLS press release about Angelos' paper, also on
Houk-Schmeing novel mechanism of peptide formation in NRPSs (UCLA's take on Angelos' paper, nice and accurate, less pop)
New discovery that could improve antibiotics (CTV piece on Angelos' paper)

American Peptide Society Lab of the Month, December 2024 (APS fun)

Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Lectureship Award (CIC awards 2025, announced in 2024)

CRBS secures $10M in renewed FRQS and matched funding (Health e-News article on our Centre renewal)

Enzyme engineering lets us play with new building blocks in non-ribosomal peptide synthesis (Structure Spotlight on Ines and Natalia's Nat Chem Bio paper. Thanks Max!)

Practical lab experience paired with making new friends: Grace Hoffman on the McGill Biomedical Research Accelerator program (McGill eHealth News talks to Grace about the MBRA program)

In conversation with biochemistry PhD Itai Sharon about his award-winning thesis (Health e-News article on Itai's impressive thesis)

Une enzyme adepte du multitâche(Quebec Science article on Itai's third cyanophycin synthetase paper)
The Surprising Swiss-Army-knife-like Functions of a Powerful Enzyme (McGill press release on Itai's third cyanophycin synthetase paper)
L’étonnante enzyme qui fonctionne comme un couteau suisse (EurekAlert! Same, same; mais en français)

How Bacteria Create a Piggy Bank for the Lean Times (McGill press release on Itai's first cyanophycin synthetase paper)
Basic Science Discovery Could Lead to Improved Biomaterial Production (Same, same; but different)

Scientists Work to Unlock Biological Machines (Newspaper article on Camille's dimeric, oxidizing NRPS complex paper)

Creating an Arsenal of COVID-19 Therapeutics (CLS coverage of the paper for which Itai solved a couple structures)

Une avancée dans la quête de tests produits au Canada (La Presse, COVID-19 Test Initiative Press)
A Made-in-Montreal Solution to COVID-19 (The Montrealer, COVID-19 Test Initiative Press)
Part of Something Big (McGill Press, COVID-19 Test Initiative Press)

AmorChem Invests in the Work of Sidong Huang at McGill University Using a Novel Target to Address a SMARCA4-deficient Rare and Aggressive Form of Ovarian Cancer (Financial Post and AmorChem Article on our Calloboration with Sid's lab)

Structural Analyses Reveal Key Insights into Clinically Relevant Nanomachines (APS Release about Diego and Clarisse's paper)

La nature a ses propres usines minuscules de fabrication d’antibiotiques (Radio Canada International Story on Diego and Clarisse's paper)

A New Understanding of Antibiotic Synthesis (APS and McGill Press Release about Janice and Max's Paper)

Enzymes Engineered to Trap Reaction Intermediates (Nature News & Views of Nicolas and Diego’s Paper)

A Trap with DAP (Solicited Blog Post on Nicolas and Diego’s Paper)

Revealing the Inter-Module Interactions of Multi-Modular Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases (Structure Preview of Mike & Asfarul’s Paper)

Martin Schmeing receives 2017 CSMB New Investigator Award (McGill Med e-News and CSMB)

Martin Schmeing receives the 2016 Joe Doupe Young Investigators Award (McGill Biochemistry FB)

Capturing the Structure of the Substrate Bound Condensation Domain (Cell Chemical Biology Preview of Kris’ Paper)

Crystallography and Solution Scattering Join Forces in the Study of Antibiotic Synthesis (CHESS News, May 12, 2016)

X-ray ‘Snapshots’ Reveal Details of How Megaenzymes Synthesize Natural Products (Chemical & Engineering News, Jan 15, 2016)

How Getting Proteins to Dance the ‘YMCA’ Could Yield New Antibiotics (STAT, Jan 14, 2016)
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Natural Product Reports, September 2023
Larissa, Martin, Itai

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WIRES RNA, April 2021
Larissa, Martin, Jerry

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Protein Science, December 2020
Larissa, Martin

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Nature Chemical Biology, May 2020
Larissa, Martin, Diego

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BBA, November 2017
Image: Kris, Martin

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Structure, May 2017
Image: Martin, Mike, Asfarul

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Acta D, October 2016
Image: Martin, Janice

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GRASP Symposium
Image: Martin

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Structural Aspects of Protein Synthesis
Image: Martin

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Science, October 30, 2009
Larissa, Martin, Rebecca