The Schmeing Lab

Visualizing and understanding nature’s biosynthetic macromolecular machines


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Ongoing recruitment opportunities

We’re often recruiting graduate students and postdocs for projects centred on megaenzymes! Canoeing skills / interest not required!
Interested candidates should email Martin directly at martin.schmeing {at}

Graduate studies in the Schmeing lab

Graduate students in the Schmeing lab are enrolled in the McGill University Department of Biochemistry, or the McGill University Interfaculty Graduate Program in Biophysics:

McGill Dept of Biochemistry grad school is similar to the British model, where students join the lab directly. To do so, students must obtain conditional acceptance from the department (which is typically not difficult), and supervisor acceptance. The order of getting conditional acceptance and supervisor acceptance does not matter, but supervisor acceptance is key, so it makes sense to email Martin as the first step.  More information on the formal application process is available

We are now launching a McGill Interfaculty Graduate Program in Biophysics, featuring American-style admissions to the program (rather than directly to the lab) and first-year rotations. More information on the program and application process is available here and here.